XSQT LAND — The Free-to-Play, Community Generated NFT Canvas.

Right-click, Save, Claim, Create, Gift.

Jay Lawpez
3 min readNov 24, 2021

I stumbled upon XQST LAND (Exquisite.Land) this morning and, well, I haven’t left their Discord since!

A collaborative NFT drawing game where we dream a canvas together. Rendered with gas-free on-chain pixels.

Find a coin. Right-click, save as. Draw your tile.

What is it?

In a nutshell, XQST LAND is made up of 12 maps. The first map, currently the only one deployed is named ‘Terra Masu’.

Each map is made up of 255 tiles in a 15 x 15 layout.

Each tile is 32x32 pixels.

Oh, and it’s all on-chain.

How Does it Work?

In order to claim a tile and start your masterpiece you first need to find (or be gifted) a coin. Once you find it, right click, save it, and head over to Exquisite.Land.

This is what a coin looks like

Connect your wallet to the website, click ‘Claim’, drop your coin, claim your tile and start your 32 x 32 pixel artwork.

The whole concept is beautiful. As part of your artwork, you can choose to carry on the themes of the tiles around you, or create something completely new and different.

Here is what we have created on Terra Masu at the time of writing

Play It Forward

The whole concept of the game is that you play it forward.

Once you have minted your artwork (which is then immediately available and in your wallet on OpenSea) the squares immediately North, East, South and West are available to you to generate coins for (assuming they haven’t already been drawn on or claimed).

You simply generate the coin for the adjacent squares, save them, and then the gifting begins.

Users have been dropping them in the Discord or on their Twitter feeds unannounced, so you have to be eagle eyed and ready to right-click, save.

You cannot claim a square immediately next to your own as to encourage the kindness of others and reinforce the ethos of the game.

It’s That Simple and I Love It!

This is the spirt of play in Exquisite Land. The idea is to collaborate, set your neighbour up for success, and include as many people as possible.

It took me a few minutes to figure out what was going on when I arrived on the Discord this morning, and I managed to find my first coin on Twitter — Thanks DG8TAL. I created my artwork and gifted my generated coin back to the person who told me about the project in the first place.

More NFT’s and games like this please! The whole concept is awesome, imaginative, and because it is on L2 Polygon, claiming, playing and minting cost’s you nothing!



Jay Lawpez

I help NFT projects articulate their vision and mechanics